Indigenous Public Health

A Certificate Course | 1 Credit | Hybrid Classes


Full & Partial Scholarships Available

Classes start on Friday Oct. 25, 2024

$25 Non-refundable Application Fee

Apply now

Course Description 

This course will explore the foundations of Indigenous public health, including:

  • public health topics (e.g., youth health, maternal health, caregiving, cancer) impacting Indigenous communities
  • Indigenous systems alignment, an emergent concept and practice, for public health practice
  • sovereignty and self-determination in relation to data through the framework of data for governance
  • the process of program development based on community needs and assets

Course Schedule


Dr. Felina Cordova-Marks 

Assistant Professor,
Health Promotion Sciences Department,
University of Arizona
Read Profile

Friday, October 25, 9:30AM -12:00PM Zoom

Public Health Foundations and Special Topics

This module will describe the foundations of Indigenous public health through a broad range of public health topics (e.g., youth health, maternal health, caregiving, cancer) impacting Indigenous communities.

Christina Ore headshot

Dr. Christina E. Oré 
(Andean descendant from Huancavelica, Peru & Irish)

Assistant Professor,
School of Medicine,
University of Washington
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Friday, November 8,  9:30AM -12:00PM Zoom

Cross-Sector Systems Alignment in Public Health Practice

This module will provide a brief overview of Indigenous systems alignment, an emergent concept and practice, for public health practice. It will include a description of the public health systems serving Indigenous peoples in the U.S. and discussion of the strengths and challenges to applying current systems strengthening initiatives (data, governance, funding).



Dr. Stephanie Carroll
(Ahtna-Native Village of Kluti-Kaah and Sicilian descent)

Associate Professor, Community, Environment & Policy Department,
University of Arizona
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Friday, November 15, 9:30AM -12:00PM Zoom

Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Governance

This module will explore sovereignty and self-determination in relation to data through the framework of data for governance and the governance of data.

Amanda Hunter Headshot

Dr. Amanda (Urbina) Hunter
(Pascua Yaqui)

Assistant Professor,
College of Health Solutions,
Arizona State University
Read Profile

Friday, November 22, 9:30AM -12:00PM In person and Zoom

Program Development and Evaluation

This interactive module will describe the process of program development based on community needs and assets. It will also include the development of sustainable evaluation plans.

Enrollment is limited to 25 students. Applications will not be considered for admission review until the applicant has paid the $25 non-refundable application fee.

Should we receive more applications than available seats, priority will be given to Pascua Yaqui and other Tribal students, in line with our commitment to support the PYT-UA Microcampus mission and enhance tribal access to educational opportunities. However, we encourage all tribal and non-tribal students to apply. Applicants not admitted in this batch will be considered on a rolling basis for future batches.

$25 non-refundable application fee is mandatory in order to complete the application. The payment link will be available on the application confirmation page after you have successfully submitted your application.

This $25 application fee will be automatically considered towards your tuition payment upon the confirmation of your admission. For example, for a course that costs $500:

  • Students that receive a 25% scholarship will pay a tuition fee of $350 ($125 discount plus $25 application fee deduction);
  • Students that receive a 50% scholarship will pay a tuition fee of $225 ($250 discount plus $25 application fee deduction);
  • Students that receive a 100% will pay a tuition fee of $0 ($500 discount plus $25 application fee deduction - the relevant scholarship fund will allocate $475).

Tuition for this course is $500, representing a 65% discount from the standard fee of $1,500 per credit course. This is the usual cost for one course offered through the Pascua Yaqui Tribe - University of Arizona Virtual Microcampus network.

All PYT-UA Microcampus students are eligible for scholarships. Applicable scholarship awards are tiered, based on the below breakdown:

  • PYT members and employees are eligible for up to 100% scholarships
  • Non-PYT members and employees are eligible for up to 50% scholarships

If you would like to be considered for a scholarship, the application form will ask you to write a short statement (not more than 250 words) describing interest in the course, financial need, and circumstances that meet the selection criteria. Please note that PYT enrolled members and employees are exempt from submitting the scholarship statement.