Professional Development Certificate in Tribal Courts and Justice Administration

Dec. 19, 2023

This program provides a strong foundation in the workings of tribal courts and justice systems, preparing you for a wide range of tribal-justice related careers.

Tribal Courts and Justice Administration Course Image

Are you a working tribal professional interested in kickstarting your career in tribal courts and justice systems? Are you interested in law-related job opportunities and career advancement working with tribal communities, reservation governments, law enforcement and social services agencies? Then you should be looking  to expand your existing knowledge and professional education credentials by earning a Professional Development Certificate in Tribal Courts and Justice Administration from the University of Arizona Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program, offered online via the Pascua Yaqui Tribe - University of Arizona Virtual Microcampus network. 

Available starting January 10 2024, this program provides a strong foundation in the workings of tribal courts and justice systems, preparing you for a wide range of tribal-justice related careers. The curriculum covers the foundations of Native American law and policy by offering four separate courses, with a focus on federal Indian law, tribal court civil procedure, tribal criminal law, and tribal family law - all taught by nationally and internationally recognized experts and leading University of Arizona faculty in their respective fields. Students earn the certificate by successfully completing three courses of their choosing suited to their professional and career aspirations and goals. 

Students must complete three of the following four courses:

  • LAW 450A/550A Native American Law and Policy (3 credits)
  • LAW 467/567 Tribal Courts Practice and Procedure (3 credits)
  • LAW 468/568 Tribal Criminal Law and Procedure (3 credits)
  • LAW 469/569 Native American Family and Domestic Relations Law (3 credits)

Courses run for 7.5 weeks as asynchronous online courses in the Spring 2024 semester.

Tuition for students enrolling through the Pascua Yaqui Tribe-University of Arizona Microcampus, or through the Virtual Tribal Microcampus ‘UANativeNet’ network is $500 for each 3 (three) credit course; a 65% discount on the normal charge of $1,500 per each 3 (three) credit course. The total cost to earn the Professional Development Certificate in Tribal Courts and Justice Administration by taking the three required courses is in fact just $1,500; the normal cost of one course offered for professional development certificate credit by the Pascua Yaqui Tribe - University of Arizona Virtual Microcampus network. 

Additionally, up to 6 credits earned through this Certificate can put toward a BA Law or Master of Professional Studies in Indigenous Governance degree at UA as ‘credit for prior learning’ – so you can reduce your overall workload if you pursue further education. Read more about the policy here

Apply Now!

Anyone can register and take courses! Get in touch today via email at or visit the application page to find out more.